Stylish Blogger Award
I got this wonderful blog award called 'Stylish Blogger Award' from the beautiful blog Belle Francaise Interiors. I feel really honored and I will do my best to follow the rules. It says that I have to tell 7 facts about myself and then send this award to ten new blogs. The last part is no problem, there are so many great blogs out there, but the 7 facts about my self. This is tough, I have already told everything several times on this blog. But I have got a lot of new readers lately, thanks to Apartment Therapy that told everyone on facebook that they liked my blog. So I will do this 7 facts like a presentation of myself. In case anyones interested.

1. Me. This is how I look. Normal lenght, overweight (the image is from last summer, much fatter now), blond hair (with some help). To old to mention. Actually I'm not very interested in how I look, strange but true. I don't even wear make up very often.
2. My house. I live in south of Sweden just outside Malmö in a house that we built 13 years ago. I live with my family and we have two boys in the age of 11 and 13. This is how it looks like. More images go to or to 'Hemma hos mig' in the category list.

Photo Peo Olsson
3. My style. As you can see my interior style is contemporary. I like the raw style with concrete but also natural materials like wood and stone. I like a clean style with not too much stuff. I appreciate the natural light from the windows. I like open plan both in private homes and offices. It feels so much better with a lot of air instead of walls.
4. Work. I work as an interior decorator with my own company (Purple Area) and most of my clients are companies that wants to change the interior at their offices. Sometimes I also work with family homes. When I work with offices I use a lot of colours and try to avoid the regular way to look at an office, I always try to put some party feeling to the atmosphere. I think it should be fun and inspiring to go to work. More images at

Photo Patrik Svedberg
5. Interests. I love gardening and my garden. This is the number one if Im not blogging or working. In my garden I like the wild style with a lot of tall grass and wild flowers. I also like it to be like a 'woodland' in some parts. More images under 'Hemma hos mig'.

Photo Purple Area
6. More. When its winter and I cant be in the garden, I like to read and I read a lot. I even joined a book club. How nurdy isnt that. I read everything but mostly criminal stories or just a good story. My latest book was 'One day' by David Nicholls. A great book about a very modern love story. Read it!
7. Even more. That have to be films. I love to watch a good movie, If I could choose I would have watched one every night. But who has got the time for that. I don't go to the cinema a lot so its often something on the tv. Lately its been Robin Hood (a new one, loved the interior in the castles) and Chanel (interesting). A favorite is Notting Hill (love the english humour).
So thats all about me!
Ten blogs that I send this award to:
8 kommentarer:
Wow, what a beautiful house. It's amazing. Lovely clean light spaces. I'm a big fan of wood, concrete and stone too.
Oh it's so fabulous!!! I Love your Lamp (Artemide tolomeo) and your garden is beautiful.
BRAVO A bientôt!... céline.
Grattis till omnämnandet + att jag måste säga att du ser så söt ut!!
Roligt inlägg, det är alltid spännande att få veta mer om människorna bakom bloggarna man läser!
wow, your house is great, compliment! found you via lotta agaton, perfect!
tack och bock!! du e såå fin och grymt proffsig och duktig. go girl! kramar till dig
Oh I loved your house! And, by the way, I follow you from Brazil, and love your blog. Congratulations.
Kul inlägg! Ditt fina hem har jag ju dregglat lite över tidigare. Så nu var det roligt att läsa lite mer om dig - och du, du är hur au naturel-söt som helst och alldeles sådär snyggt kurvig tycker jag.
Tack mina vänner, vad skulle jag gjort utan er! Thanks everyone for your supporting comments, you're the best!
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